Food Illustration in Malaysia

Food Illustration in Malaysia, Illustration 绘图

Soffle Malaysia 辛せの味 soft and fluffy Japanese souffle pancake at Sunway pyramid

Good news for pancake lovers. The first Japanese souffle pancake is in the town. This Japanese souffle pancake is so soft and fluffy, the creaminess of the pancake just melt in your mouth. They have 9 flavours of pancake and plenty beverage choices. Needless to go Japan for souffle pancake, you can just visit their […]

Food Illustration in Malaysia, Illustration 绘图, My Recipe

Water Chestnuts Jelly 红糖马蹄果冻

红糖马蹄果冻Water chestnuts Jelly Ingredients 材料:15g Agar Agar powder 燕菜粉50g Dark brown sugar 红糖10 water chestnuts 10粒 马蹄 (minced)(切碎)1lit water 水 Method 做法:1. Boiled and melt agar agar powder and sugar in the water.把燕菜粉和糖融化在水里2. Pour in a pan and sprinkles the water chestnuts.倒入一个盘,加入马蹄碎。3. Let it cool and hardened. 放一边,冷却。 红糖马蹄果冻,爽口清甜,吃了也不会有负担,非常适合饭后甜点。Water chestnuts jelly best served as light dessert […]

Food Illustration in Malaysia, Illustration 绘图

Molten Lava Cake Recipe 朱古力心太软食谱

一想到甜点,我就会想到朱古力心太软,在热烘烘的蛋糕上切一切,里面的浓浓扑鼻的巧克力酱像岩浆的流了出来。如果配上雪糕, 冷和热的同时放进嘴里,也让那口感更上了一个层次,太好吃了。 大家不妨在家动动手,做这简单又很好吃的心太软蛋糕吧! When talk about desserts, I always think about Molten Lava Cake. Melted chocolate lava flow out when cut with the spoon. Best served with ice cream, the combination of hot and cold in the mouth are absolutely gorgeous. You can try this simple and delicious recipe at home. Ingredients 食材: 170g semi-sweet […]

Food Illustration in Malaysia, Illustration 绘图, My Recipe

红糖冬瓜茶食谱 Winter melon tea recipe

新年期间,不停的吃年饼,而且天气又热,导致喉咙痛,长青春痘。这个时候最好就是来一杯冰凉或热的冬瓜茶,可以帮助解暑,解热。冬瓜蜜步骤简单,好喝又健康。 With all the fried food and cookies during chinese New year, it had caused sore throat and pimples! Therefore Winter melon tea are very useful to reduce the heat from our body. 食材 Ingredients: 一粒冬瓜大约1.5kg Winter Melon~1.5kg 400g红糖 400gdark brown sugar 100g冰糖 100g rock sugar 步骤 Steps: 把冬瓜清理干净,连皮和籽一起切成小块。Clean up the melon, and cut into […]

Food Illustration in Malaysia, Illustration stories, Illustration 绘图

马来西亚咖啡文化 (传统咖啡店kopitiam)

Kopitiam 是马来西亚人不可缺的一个咖啡文化。 传统Kopitiam大多由海南和福建后裔经营。Kopitiam 慢慢融入了马来西亚人的日常生活,成为社交活动的一部分。在Kopitiam聚在一起,大家一边享用Kopi,一边闲话家常。 马来西亚咖啡味道非常浓郁,咖啡豆烘培过程会用牛油,白糖和咖啡豆一起在热锅不停翻炒,使咖啡豆与配料混合一体而產生一种浓郁香醇又独特的香味。马来西亚咖啡也是独一无二的,例如白咖啡,海南咖啡等等。 泡咖啡方式是用了一种布料把咖啡渣过滤。 退休人士最喜欢在kopitiam看报纸,喝咖啡 一间人情味kopitiam都拥有许多故事 在 Kopitiam 点咖啡是一件很有趣的事情,不同的搭配就有不同的名称。咖啡加了炼乳称为Kopi,只加糖的黑咖啡则称为Kopi-O,不加糖和炼乳称 Kopi Kosong,还有特浓咖啡称为 Kopi gau ,而口味特别浓厚的黑咖啡则则称为Kopi-O gau,咖啡参茶就叫 Cham。 外带饮料(打包)也有分绑死,绑边,绑边放碗或绑死放碗等等。 马来西亚人最爱吃的早餐 set. 烤面包(土司)咖央和牛油,两粒半生熟鸡蛋,一杯本地咖啡。 大热天,喝一杯 Cham peng (冰) 是一件很幸福的事。 你学会在马来西亚如何点饮料了吗? 如果你喜欢我的画,我有在creative united 售卖我的商品请点阅: