洋葱鸡排汉堡包和南瓜薯条 Messy Hamburger and pumpkin fries


Chicken breast: marinated with soy sauce, tumeric powder for half hour and grilled.

焦糖洋葱 Caramelize onion:

1 onion 1粒洋葱

Cut and stir fry the onion until brown. 切和炒至褐色。

8 servings bread 8人份的面包:
1cup lukewarm water 温水
3 1/2 cups All purpose flour / bread flour 高筋面粉
1/4cup sugar 糖
1tsp salt 盐
1 tbsp instant yeast 酵母
1egg 鸡蛋
2 tbsp butter or Olive oil. 牛油/橄榄油

1.Mix a the ingredients and knead until soft and smooth dough. Let it rise for 1-2hours, almost double the size. 混合全部食材,揉面团至软和滑。放置发酵1-2小时成两倍大。

2. Cut the dough into 8 servings.
(I made 4 buns, the rest makes into a loaf) 把面团切成八份。(我做4粒小个的汉堡包面包,剩余做成一粒面包)

3. Shape the buns, with smooth surface. 揉出形状,滑面。

4. Rest and rise for another 1hour. Brush some butter on top. 放置1小时发酵后,抹上牛油。

5. Baked at 190c for 15-20min until golden. For loaf, the hollow sound when knock. 190度 烤15-20分钟至金黄色。轻轻敲面包,可以听见空心的声音。

Pumpkin fries南瓜薯条:
Cut the pumpkin into strips, coat with some cornstarch. Baked at 190c for 5-10 until golden. Sprinkle with seasoning. 把南瓜切条,加玉米粉和橄榄油,搅拌均匀。放进烤炉烤190度 5-10分钟至金黄色。撒上盐和胡椒调味。

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